Storage, pick & pack, hand-over to the delivery
Getting your goods to the warehouse(s)
Best prices and delivery times to your customer's door
Scale cross Europe with distributed inventory
Procuring and designing your unboxing experience
In-house developed software ensuring highest quality
Let your customers track and manage their orders
Display precise delivery dates directly in your shop
Scaling D2C
Enterprise or Global brands
The latest industry news, case studies, and white papers.
Your post purchase experience helps you drive customer retention, loyalty and advocacy. Learn how to take your post purchase experience to the next leaven this article.
57% of customers expect companies to be taking responsibility for sustainability. Find out how to further inspire your customers with sustainable delivery.
Hive's Domestic Mix combines the best services from multiple carriers, tailored to your business. Find out how it works here.
Cos’è una spedizione internazionale? Scopri tutto quello che c’è da sapere per spedire le tue merci in tutto il mondo.
Scopri con noi quali sono le maggiori aziende di spedizioni in Italia e nel mondo e scegli subito quella che fa al caso tuo.
Leggi la nostra guida e scopri come funziona il tracciamento di un pacco o di una spedizione.
What is flat rate shipping? Find out the advantages of flat rate shipping, and the difference between flat rate and standard shipping.