Storage, pick & pack, hand-over to the delivery
Getting your goods to the warehouse(s)
Best prices and delivery times to your customer's door
Scale cross Europe with distributed inventory
Procuring and designing your unboxing experience
In-house developed software ensuring highest quality
Let your customers track and manage their orders
Display precise delivery dates directly in your shop
Scaling D2C
Enterprise or Global brands
The latest industry news, case studies, and white papers.
The unboxing experience can greatly affect your customers; from increasing customer engagement and retention to turning customers into advocates of your brand. Find out how below.
Using eco-friendly packaging helps to protect the environment. Learn how to use eco-friendly and sustainable packaging to grow your e-commerce business.
Discover how Hive can help you along every step of your packaging journey
What do you need to take into consideration when thinking about packaging for e-commerce? Read about different packaging types and materials to optimize your packaging strategy.
In the beauty industry, creating a memorable unboxing experience is crucial. Custom packaging is a great way to communicate your brand positioning and values to your customer. Hive can be your holistic packaging partner. Find out more here.