Storage, pick & pack, hand-over to the delivery
Getting your goods to the warehouse(s)
Best prices and delivery times to your customer's door
Scale cross Europe with distributed inventory
Procuring and designing your unboxing experience
In-house developed software ensuring highest quality
Let your customers track and manage their orders
Display precise delivery dates directly in your shop
Scaling D2C
Enterprise or Global brands
The latest industry news, case studies, and white papers.
Hive raises €28.2 million in preempted up-round to serve more independent commerce brands and expand its leadership in Europe.
Dive into this insightful interview of our co-founder Franz Purucker as he discusses the challenges, market differentiators and the thrill of building a dynamic team as he leads Hive's expansion in the UK market.
Dive into Dylan's fascinating journey at Hive since first joining as an associate in our PAR1 fulfillment center to now becoming a senior supervisor.
Dive into Yara's fascinating journey at Hive in this interview where she shares her experiences over the years as she evolved from an intern to a marketing manager
Learn how to reach a broader audience with your packaging using the Hive Club’s cross-promotional flyers.
Hiring and working remotely has become increasingly popular in the last couple of years. At Hive, one of the teams with the most distributed people is the tech team. Co-founder and CTO Leo von Kleist talks about his experience working with a remote team.
We are up and running in Madrid just in time for Q4. This milestone helps us give the brands we work with the best coverage across Europe.
L’objectif de l’apéro en carton c’est également de créer un point de rencontre de l’écosystème DNVB où l’on peut retrouver des marques comme des partenaires. On souhaite créer un évènement récurrent où l’on peut rencontrer de nouveaux prospects et créer directement un lien plus humain et authentique avec eux.
Leggi la nostra guida e scopri come gestire le tue scorte dividendole tra più centri logistici.