Case Study

Jander boosts Black Friday performance after switching to Hive in Q4

Meet Jander, the men's personal care brand that offers effective routines in just two minutes. With Sandra and Carmen as co-founders, Jander is set to lead the men's personal care revolution in Europe and is aiming to expand soon to also lead in Latin America.

In the search for a new logistics partner, Sandra and Carmen wanted to find a high-quality service that could save valuable time for their team and provide the necessary boost to achieve their best Black Friday to date. In their previous experience, they had been disappointed by poor customer service and the lack of an Account Manager who could support their growth.

"We chose Hive for its high-quality service and the flexibility they offered us to transfer inventory during the busiest period of the year. The location in Madrid, along with the exceptional support we have received from the team, has helped us scale efficiently," Sandra, Co-founder.

A seamless inventory transfer in Q4

Once the Jander team opted for Hive, the integration process was quick and smooth. Being Q4, it was crucial to ensure that everything was ready for Black Friday and Christmas orders.

"The integration with Hive was very simple," says Carmen. "We connected our store in minutes and the support from our growth manager made the transition super simple."

"Despite the timing and complexity of changing warehouses during the busiest month of the year, the outcome has been exceptional: efficient logistics, very few setbacks, and those that occurred were resolved immediately!" - Sandra.

Success in Black Week for Jander and Hive

Thanks to a quick and successful integration, Jander was able to start working with Hive during the Black Friday sales peak. Hive managed to process 99.9% of Black Friday orders before Saturday, ensuring that Jander's customers received their packages in record time.

"For Black Friday, we knew we could rely on Hive," explains Carmen. "We could monitor and control all our operations from the Hive App, confident that the Hive team on the ground was preparing our orders at high speed."

Exceptional customer service keeps Jander's customers happy

With their previous fulfillment partner, Sandra and Carmen struggled to get quick responses when problems arose. As a customer-oriented team, they wanted to give quick answers to queries about orders, but they encountered limitations and problems.

With Hive, the Jander team gets quick responses to easily solve customer issues. Additionally, they have a dedicated Growth Manager who advises them on their operational setup and offers more solutions.

"With Hive, we get excellent customer service, impeccable support, quick responses, and effective solutions: we couldn't ask for more," emphasizes Carmen.

An international future growing together

Looking to the future, Sandra and Carmen are excited about the idea of continuing to expand Jander.

"We're looking forward to expanding our B2B opportunities this year, as well as exploring new markets," says Sandra. "With Hive's B2B and international experience, we're confident we're in good hands."

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