3 mins

Dylan’s journey with Hive as a Senior Supervisor in our French fulfillment center

Dive into Dylan's fascinating journey at Hive since first joining as an associate in our PAR1 fulfillment center to now becoming a senior supervisor.

Dylan Tessier a Senior Supervisor at PAR1
August 8, 2023

Meet Dylan.

Dylan is a Senior Supervisor at PAR1, our French fulfillment center located just outside Paris. He joined Hive in January 2022 as an associate (picker and packer), and was one of our first hires in PAR1. 

During his time at Hive, Dylan continued to take up new responsibilities, recently obtaining a promotion to Senior Supervisor. In this role, he is responsible for ensuring that all processes in PAR1 adhere to guidelines aimed at optimizing operations and ensuring safety. He takes care of studying the different processes with his colleagues and supervisors to find different measures they can set in place to make sure everything runs smoothly. 

What made you want to join Hive?

At first, I wasn’t really interested in joining Hive. I was already employed at another company not far from PAR1, and I wasn't actively seeking new opportunities. However, I still accepted the invitation to an interview with the director of PAR1 after he had called me personally about his offer. 

The interview went exceptionally well, and it sparked my genuine interest in the role. I promptly accepted the offer, as it felt like the right step for me for several reasons. Firstly, it was a brand new fulfillment center for a German startup that had just opened in France. I was one of the first ones to be hired and they were not going to hire many more people at the time, so it seemed like a great opportunity for me to evolve quickly in the near future. 

How has your role developed since joining Hive?

When I first joined Hive one and a half years ago, I joined as an associate. This is the entry level in the fulfillment centers. The role involves tasks such as picking, packing, assembling kits, dispatching packages, and monitoring and recording incoming goods from our merchants. 

Fast forward to now, and with patience, hard work, and determination, I have progressed to the role of Senior Supervisor of PAR1. I take on this responsibility every day with happiness and good humor. 

What does a day in your life look like?

Every day is very different for me. I’m someone who lives in the moment and enjoys every day as it comes.

In general, I start my days off with a smile, a good mood, humor, and lots of laughs. 

I arrive at the FC in the morning and take care of the work I need to do. We all have a break at around 11:00 am where we can enjoy thirty minutes in the sun, eat snacks, and enjoy chatting together. We then get back to work again until 1:00 pm when we all have lunch together.

After lunch, it's back to business. I sometimes still help to pick and pack orders, but I now mostly take care of supervising and assessing our different processes. I typically guide and coach newly arriving associates through the processes and ensure all goals for the day or week are met, as well as processing outbound packages and communicating with external carriers.

What would you tell your younger self, when you first started your career?

I would say that the most important thing is to always keep your head up high and never give up, no matter what your goals are in life. 

Life isn’t always easy, so in times of victory or defeat, you always have to stay humble and keep working.

What is your best memory at Hive?

My favorite moment from my career at Hive happened not too long after I joined the company. We had a celebratory get-together in PAR1, organized by the Paris office team. Everyone from the French team was invited as well as a few people from the Berlin office.

During a conversation that I had with Oskar Ziegler, one of the company’s co-founders, I secured Hive hoodies for my team and me.

Another time, we had a competition between all Hive fulfillment centers to see which was most punctual in meeting deadlines. PAR1 was the winner and so two people from that FC got the chance to travel to Berlin. I was lucky enough to be chosen alongside one of my colleagues to go to Berlin and visit the fulfillment centers and the teams there.